Dr. David Lillicrap MD, FRCPC

& Molecular Medicine
Richardson Laboratory
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario
TEL: (613) 548-1304
FAX: (613) 548-1356
e-mail: dpl (at) queensu.ca
Professor, Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine
Canada Research Chair in Molecular Hemostasis
Career Investigator of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario
St. Mary's Hospital Medical School, University of London, United Kingdom
Selected Administrative Appointments
World Health Organization/World Federation of Hemophilia Working Group on Genetic Diagnosis in the Hemophilias, 1991-1992
International Society for Thrombosis and Haemostasis Scientific Standardisation Committee on VWD, 1998-Present
Member, Medical and Scientific Advisory Council (MASAC) for the National Hemophilia Foundation (USA), 2002-Present
Member, Gene Therapy Working Group of the National Hemophilia Foundation (USA), 2000-Present
International Society for Thrombosis and Haemostasis Council of the Scientific Standardisation Committee, 2002-Present
Research Interests
All of the research being undertaken by this group relates to molecular aspects of the hemostatic (coagulation) system. In the normal physiological state, a delicate balance is preserved between pro- and anti-coagulant factors that contributes to the maintenance of the normal circulation. When this balance is disrupted, bleeding or thrombosis occurs.
This research program utilizes the potential of molecular genetics and molecular biology to address a variety questions relating to pathological hemostasis. The studies range from an investigation of the mechanisms regulating production of the adhesive hemostatic protein, von Willebrand Factor, to the development of strategies for gene therapy for the inherited bleeding disease, hemophilia.
Swystun LL, Lai JD, Notley C, Georgescu I, Paine AS, Mewburn J, Nesbitt K, Schledzewski K, Geraud C, Kzhyshkowska J, Goerdt S, Hopman W, Montgomery RR, James PD, Lillicrap D. The endothelial cell receptor stabilin-2 regulates VWF-FVIII complex half-life and immunogenicity. J Clin Invest. 31;128(9):4057-4073. 2018Iorio A, Edginton AN, Blanchette V, Blatny J, Boban A, Cnossen M, Collins P, Croteau SE, Fischer K, Hart DP, Ito S, Korth-Bradley J, Lethagen S, Lillicrap D, Makris M, Mathot R, Morfini M, Neufeld EJ, Spears J. Performing and interpreting individual pharmacokinetic profiles in patients with Hemophilia A or B: Rationale and general considerations. Res Pract Thromb Haemost. 20;2(3):535-548. 2018
Bergmeier W, Antoniak S, Conway EM, Denis CV, George LA, Isermann B, Key NS, Krishnaswamy S, Lam WA, Lillicrap D, Liu J, Looney MR, Lopez JA, Maas C, Peyvandi F, Ruf W, Sood AK, Versteeg HH, Wolberg AS, Wong PC, Wood JP, Weiler H. Advances in Clinical and Basic Science of Coagulation: Illustrated abstracts of the 9th Chapel Hill Symposium on Hemostasis. Res Pract Thromb Haemost. 12;2(3):407-428. 2018
Lai JD, Swystun LL, Cartier D, Nesbitt K, Zhang C, Hough C, Dennis JW, Lillicrap D. N-linked glycosylation modulates the immunogenicity of recombinant human factor VIII in hemophilia A mice. Haematologica. 2018 Jul 12. doi: 10.3324/[Epub ahead of print] 2018
Mufti AH, Ogiwara K, Swystun LL, Eikenboom JCJ, Budde U, Hopman WM, Hallden C, Goudemand J, Peake IR, Goodeve AC, Lillicrap D, Hampshire DJ; European Group on von Willebrand disease (EU-VWD) and Zimmerman Program for the Molecular and Clinical Biology of von Willebrand disease (ZPMCB-VWD) Study Groups. The common VWF single nucleotide variants c.2365A>G and c.2385T>C modify VWF biosynthesis and clearance. Blood Adv. 10;2(13):1585-1594. 2018
Wharfe G, Buchner-Daley L, Gibson T, Hilliard P, Usuba K, Abad A, Boma-Fischer L, Bouskill V, Floros G, Lillicrap D, Lowe Y, Lowe D, Palmer-Mitchell N, Rand ML, Teitel J, Tuttle A, Watson A, White R, Young NL, Blanchette VS. The Jamaican Haemophilia Registry: Describing the burden of disease. Haemophilia. 24(4): e179-e186. 2018
Iorio A, Skinner MW, Clearfield E, Messner D, Pierce GF, Witkop M, Tunis S. Core outcome set for gene therapy in haemophilia: Results of the coreHEM multistakeholder project.; coreHEM panel. Haemophilia. 24(4): e167-e172. 2018
Georgescu MT, Moorehead PC, van Velzen AS, Nesbitt K, Reipert BM, Steinitz KN, Schuster M, Hough C, Lillicrap D. Dexamethasone promotes durable factor VIII-specific tolerance in hemophilia A mice via thymic mechanisms. Haematologica. 103(8):1403-1413. 2018
Blumberg RS, Lillicrap D; IgG Fc Immune Tolerance Group. Tolerogenic properties of the Fc portion of IgG and its relevance to the treatment and management of hemophilia Blood. 131(20):2205-2214. 2018
Coffin D, Herr C, O'Hara J, Diop S, Hollingsworth R, Srivastava A, Lillicrap D, van den Berg HM, Iorio A, Pierce GF. World bleeding disorders registry: The pilot study. Haemophilia. 24(3): e113-e116. 2018
300. Early cellular interactions and immune transcriptome profiles in human factor VIII exposed hemophilia A mice. Lai JD, Cartier D, Hartholt RB, Swystun LL, van Velzen AS, den Haan JMM, Hough C, Voorberg J, Lillicrap D. J Thromb Haemost. 16(3):533-545. 2018
Swystun LL, Lillicrap D, Genetic regulation of plasma von Willebrand factor levels in health and disease. J Thromb Haemost 16(12):2375-2390, 2018
278. Berber E, Ozbil M, Brown C, Baslar Z, Caglayan SH, Lillicrap D. Functional characterisation of the type 1 von Willebrand disease candidate VWF gene variants: p.M771I, p.L881R and p.P1413L. Blood Transfus. 15(6):548-556, 2017Lacroix-Desmazes S, Scott DW, Goudemand J, Van Den Berg M, Makris M, Van Velzen AS, Santagostino E, Lillicrap D, Rosendaal FR, Hilger A, Sauna ZE, Oldenburg J, Mantovani L, Mancuso ME, Kessler C, Hay CRM, Knoebl P, Di Minno G, Hoots K, Bok A, Brooker M, Buoso E, Mannucci PM, Peyvandi F. Summary report of the First International Conference on inhibitors in haemophilia A. Blood Transfus. 15(6):568-576, 2017
Lai JD, Lillicrap D. Factor VIII inhibitors: Advances in basic and translational science. Int J Lab Hematol. 39 Suppl 1:6-13, 2017
Lillicrap D. Bispecific Antibody Therapy in Hemophilia. N Engl J Med. 31;377(9):884-885, 2017
Swystun LL, Georgescu I, Mewburn J, Deforest M, Nesbitt K, Hebert K, Dwyer C, Brown C, Notley C, Lillicrap D. Abnormal von Willebrand factor secretion, factor VIII stabilization and thrombus dynamics in type 2N von Willebrand disease mice. J Thromb Haemost. 15(8):1607-1619, 2017
Bowman ML, Pluthero FG, Tuttle A, Casey L, Li L, Christensen H, Robinson KS, Lillicrap D, Kahr WHA, James P. Discrepant platelet and plasma von Willebrand factor in von Willebrand disease patients with p.Pro2808Leufs*24. J Thromb Haemost. 15(7):1403-1411, 2017
Lai J, Hough C, Tarrant J, Lillicrap D. Biological considerations of plasma-derived and recombinant factor VIII immunogenicity. Blood. 129(24):3147-3154, 2017
Labarque V, Perinparajah V, Bouskill V, Stain AM, Wakefield C, Manuel C, Blanchette VS, James PD, Lillicrap D, Carcao MD Utility of factor VIII and factor VIII to von Willebrand factor ratio in identifying 277 unselected carriers of hemophilia A. Am J Hematol. 92(6):E94-E96, 2017
Michels A, Swystun LL, Mewburn J, Albanez S, Lillicrap D. Investigating von Willebrand Factor Pathophysiology Using a Flow Chamber Model of von Willebrand Factor-platelet String Formation. J Vis Exp. 7 Aug 14;(126), 2017
Lillicrap D. Thrombolytic Potential of N-Acetylcysteine: Evidence for Significant Benefit in Mitigating Arterial Thrombosis. Circulation. 136(7):661-663, 2017
Peyvandi F, Makris M, Collins P, Lillicrap D, Pipe SW, Iorio A, Rosendaal FR; Subcommittee on Factor VIII, Factor IX and Rare Coagulation Disorders. Minimal dataset for post-registration surveillance of new drugs in hemophilia: communication from the SSC of the ISTH. J Thromb Haemost. 15(9):1878-1881, 2017
Lillicrap, D. FIX It in One Go: Enhanced Factor IX Gene Therapy for Hemophilia B. Cell. 14;171(7):1478-1480, 2017
Swystun LL, Lillicrap D. How much do we really know about von Willebrand disease? Curr Opin Hematol. 2016 Jul 15. [Epub ahead of print]
Shima M, Lillicrap D, Kruse-Jarres R. Alternative therapies for the management of inhibitors.Haemophilia. 2016 Jul;22 Suppl 5:36-41. doi: 0.1111/hae.13005.
Lai JD, Moorehead PC, Sponagle K, Steinitz KN, Reipert BM, Hough C, Lillicrap D. Concurrent influenza vaccination reduces anti-FVIII antibody responses in murine hemophilia A. Blood. 2016;127(26):3439-49.
Nichols TC, Hough C, Agers H, Ezban M, Lillicrap D. Canine models of inherited bleeding disorders in the development of coagulation assays, novel protein replacement and gene therapies. J Thromb Haemost. 2016;14(5):894-905.
Swystun LL, Lillicrap D. Gene Therapy for Coagulation Disorders. Circ Res. 2016 Apr 29;118(9):1443-52.
Othman M, Kaur H, Favaloro EJ, Lillicrap D, Di Paola J, Harrison P, Gresele P; Subcommittees on von Willebrand Disease and Platelet Physiology. Platelet type von Willebrand disease and registry report: communication from the SSC of the ISTH. J Thromb Haemost. 2016 Feb;14(2):411-4.
Albanez S, Ogiwara K, Michels A, Hopman W, Grabell J, James P, Lillicrap D. Aging and ABO blood type influence von Willebrand factor and factor VIII levels through interrelated mechanisms. J Thromb Haemost. 2016 May;14(5):953-63.
Flood VH, Christopherson PA, Gill JC, Friedman KD, Haberichter SL, Bellissimo DB, Udani RA, Dasgupta M, Hoffmann RG, Ragni MV, Shapiro AD, Lusher JM, Lentz SR, Abshire TC, Leissinger C, Hoots WK, Manco-Johnson MJ, Gruppo RA, Boggio LN, Montgomery KT, Goodeve AC, James PD, Lillicrap D, Peake IR, Montgomery RR. Clinical and laboratory variability in a cohort of patients diagnosed with type 1 VWD in the United States. Blood. 2016 May 19;127(20):2481-8.
Krishnamoorthy S, Liu T, Drager D, Patarroyo-White S, Chhabra ES, Peters R, Josephson N, Lillicrap D, Blumberg RS, Pierce GF, Jiang H. Recombinant factor VIII Fc (rFVIIIFc) fusion protein reduces immunogenicity and induces tolerance in hemophilia A mice. Cell Immunol. 2016 Mar;301:30-9.
Georgescu MT, Lai JD, Hough C, Lillicrap D. War and peace: Factor VIII and the adaptive immune response. Cell Immunol. 2016;301:2-7.
Lai JD, Georgescu MT, Hough C, Lillicrap D. To clear or to fear: An innate perspective on factor VIII immunity.Cell Immunol. 2016 Mar;301:82-9.
Oldenburg J, Lacroix-Desmazes S, Lillicrap D. Alloantibodies to therapeutic factor VIII in hemophilia A: the role of von Willebrand factor in regulating factor VIII immunogenicity. Haematologica. 100(2):149-156, 2015
Moorehead PC, Thibeault L, Tuttle A, Grabell J, Dwyre L, Silva M, James P, Lillicrap D. Rapid acquisition of immunologic tolerance to factor VIII and disappearance of anti-factor VIII IgG4 after prophylactic therapy in a hemophilia A patient with high titer factor VIII inhibitor. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 37: e220-222, 2015
Lillicrap D.Introduction to a series of reviews on inherited bleeding disorders. Blood. 125:2011, 2015
Crawford B, Ozelo MC, Ogiwara K, Ahlin J, Albanez S, Hegadorn C, Harpell L, Hough C, Lillicrap D. Transgene-host cell interactions mediate significant influences on the production, stability, and function of recombinant canine FVIII. Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev. 18;2: 15033, 2015
Lillicrap D, Schiviz A, Apostol C, Wojciechowski P, Horling F, Lai CK, Piskernik C, Hoellriegl W, Lollar P. Porcine recombinant factor VIII (Obizur; OBI-1; BAX801): product characteristics and preclinical profile. Haemophilia. Aug 17, Epub ahead of print, 2015
Rydz N, Grabell J, Lillicrap D, James PD. Changes in von Willebrand factor level and von Willebrand activity with age in type 1 von Willebrand disease. Haemophilia. 21(5):636-41, 2015
Krishnamoorthy S, Liu T, Drager D, Patarroyo-White S, Chhabra ES, Peters R, Josephson N, Lillicrap D, Blumberg RS, Pierce GF, Jiang H. Recombinant factor VIII Fc (rFVIIIFc) fusion protein reduces immunogenicity and induces tolerance in hemophilia A mice. Cell Immunol. Dec 29. Epub ahead of print, 2015.
Chitlur M, Rivard GE, Lillicrap D, Mann K, Shima M, Young G; Factor VIII, Factor IX, and Rare Coagulation Disorders Subcommittee of the Scientific and Standardisation Committee of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Recommendations for performing thromboelastography/thromboelastometry in hemophilia: communication from the SSC of the ISTH. J Thromb Haemost. 12(1):103-6. 2014
Matino D, Lillicrap D, Astermark J, Dolan G, Kessler C, Lambert T, Makris M, O'Donnell J, Pipe S, Santagostino E, Saint-Remy JM, Schramm W, Iorio A. Switching clotting factor concentrates: considerations in estimating the risk of immunogenicity. Haemophilia. 20(2):200-6. 2014
High KH, Nathwani A, Spencer T, Lillicrap D. Current status of haemophilia gene therapy. Haemophilia. 20 Suppl 4:43-9. 2014
Lillicrap D, Fijnvandraat K, Santagostino E. Inhibitors - genetic and environmental factors. Haemophilia. 20 Suppl 4:87-93. 2014
Ozelo MC, Vidal B, Brown C, Notley C, Hegadorn C, Webster S, Harpell L, Ahlin J, Winterborn A, Handforth J, Arruda VR, Hough C, Lillicrap D. Omental implantation of BOECs in hemophilia dogs results in circulating FVIII antigen and a complex immune response. Blood. 123(26):4045-53. 2014
Traore AN, Chan AK, Webert KE, Heddle N, Ritchie B, St-Louis J, Teitel J, Lillicrap D, Iorio A, Walker I. First analysis of 10-year trends in national factor concentrates usage in haemophilia: data from CHARMS, the Canadian Hemophilia Assessment and Resource Management System. Haemophilia. 20(4):e251-9. 2014
Swystun LL, Lillicrap D. FVIII stabilization: VWF D'D3 will do. Blood. 124(3):313-5. 2014
Vezina C, Carcao M, Infante-Rivard C, Lillicrap D, Stain AM, Paradis E, Teitel J, Rivard GE; the Association of Hemophilia Clinic Directors of Canada and of the Canadian Association of Nurses in Hemophilia Care. Incidence and risk factors for inhibitor development in previously untreated severe haemophilia A patients born between 2005 and 2010. Haemophiliatelets. J Clin Invest. 124(10):4231-3. 2014
Shida Y, Rydz N, Stegner D, Brown C, Mewburn J, Sponagle K, Danisment O, Crawford B, Vidal B, Hegadorn CA, Pruss CM, Nieswandt B, Lillicrap D. Analysis of the role of von Willebrand factor, platelet glycoprotein VI-, and α2β1-mediated collagen binding in thrombus formation. Blood. 124(11):1799-807, 2014
Shapiro AD, Ragni MV, Kulkarni R, Oldenberg J, Srivastava A, Quon DV, Pasi KJ, Hanabusa H, Pabinger I, Mahlangu J, Fogarty P, Lillicrap D, Kulke S, Potts J, Neelakantan S, Nestorov I, Li S, Dumont JA, Jiang H, Brennan A, Pierce GF. Recombinant factor VIII Fc fusion protein: extended-interval dosing maintains low bleeding rates and correlates with von Willebrand factor levels. J Thromb Haemost. 12:1788-800, 2014
Lillicrap D. Syntaxin-binding protein 5 exocytosis regulation: differential role in endothelial cells and platelets. J Clin Invest. 124(10):4231-3. 2014
Rae C, Furlong W, Horsman J, Pullenayegum E, Demers C, St-Louis J, Lillicrap D, Barr R, Bleeding disorders, menorrhagia and iron deficiency: impacts on health-related quality of life. Haemophilia 19 (3):385-391. 2013
Lillicrap D, The future of hemostasis management. Ped Blood & Cancer 60 Suppl 1, S44-7, 2013
Golder M, Mewburn J, Lillicrap D, In vitro and in vivo evaluation of the effect of elevated factor VIII on the thrombogenic process. Thromb Haemost 109(1):53-60, 2013
Tatsumi K, Sugimoto M, Lillicrap D, Shima M, Ohashi K, Okano T, Matsui H. A Novel Cell-Sheet Technology That Achieves Durable Factor VIII Delivery in a Mouse Model of Hemophilia A. PLoS One. 16;8(12):e83280. 2013.
Lillicrap D. von Willebrand disease: advances in pathogenetic understanding, diagnosis, and therapy. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program. 2013:254-60. 2013.
Peyvandi F, Kunicki T, Lillicrap D. Genetic sequence analysis of inherited bleeding diseases. Blood. 122(20):3423-31. 2013.
Lillicrap D. von Willebrand disease: advances in pathogenetic understanding, diagnosis, and therapy. Blood. 122(23):3735-40. 2013.
Pandey GS, Yanover C, Miller-Jenkins LM, Garfield S, Cole SA, Curran JE, Moses EK, Rydz N, Simhadri V, Kimchi-Sarfaty C, Lillicrap D, Viel KR, Przytycka TM, Pierce GF, Howard TE, Sauna ZE; PATH (Personalized Alternative Therapies for Hemophilia) Study Investigators. Endogenous factor VIII synthesis from the intron 22-inverted F8 locus may modulate the immunogenicity of replacement therapy for hemophilia A. Nat Med. 19(10):1318-24. 2013.
Lillicrap D. Translational medicine advances in von Willebrand disease. J Thromb Haemost. 11 Suppl 1:75-83. 2013.
Lillicrap D. Introduction to a series of reviews on cancer-associated thrombotic disease. Blood. 5;122(10):1687-8. 2013.
Kahlon A, Grabell J, Tuttle A, Engen D, Hopman W, Lillicrap D, James P. Quantification of perioperative changes in von Willebrand factor and factor VIII during elective orthopaedic surgery in normal individuals. Haemophilia. 19(5):758-64. 2013.
Lewis KB, Hughes RJ, Epstein MS, Josephson NC, Kempton CL, Kessler CM, Key NS, Howard TE, Kruse-Jarres R, Lusher JM, Walsh CE, Watts RG, Ettinger RA, Pratt KP; PATH (Personalized Alternative Therapies for Haemophilia) Study Investigators. Phenotypes of allo- and autoimmune antibody responses to FVIII characterized by surface plasmon resonance. PLoS One. 8;8(5):e61120. 2013.
Lillicrap D. Molecular testing for disorders of hemostasis. Int J Lab Hematol. 35(3):290-6. 2013.
Rydz N, Swystun LL, Notley C, Paterson AD, Riches JJ, Sponagle K, Boonyawat B, Montgomery RR, James PD, Lillicrap D. The C-type lectin receptor CLEC4M binds, internalizes, and clears von Willebrand factor and contributes to the variation in plasma von Willebrand factor levels. Blood. 121(26):5228-37. 2013.
James PD, Lillicrap D. The molecular characterization of von Willebrand disease: good in parts. Br J Haematol. 161(2):166-76. 2013.
Berntorp E, Fuchs B, Makris M, Montgomery R, Flood V, O'Donnell JS, Federici AB, Lillicrap D, James P, Budde U, Morfini M, Petrini P, Austin S, Kannicht C, Jimenez-Yuste V, Lee C. Third Aland islands conference on von Willebrand disease, 26-28 September 2012: meeting report. Haemophilia. 19 Suppl 3:1-18. 2013.
Bowman M, Tuttle A, Notley C, Brown C, Tinlin S, Deforest M, Leggo J, Blanchette VS, Lillicrap D, James P; Association of Hemophilia Clinic Directors of Canada. The genetics of Canadian type 3 von Willebrand disease: further evidence for co-dominant inheritance of mutant alleles. J Thromb Haemost. 11(3):512-20. 2013.
Webert KE, Rivard GE, Teitel J, Carcao M, Lillicrap D, St-Louis J, Walker IR.
Low prevalence of inhibitor antibodies in the Canadian haemophilia population.
Haemophilia 18(3):e254-9, 2012.
Foley JH, Petersen KU, Rea CJ, Harpell L, Powell S, Lillicrap D, Nesheim ME, Sorensen B.
Solulin increases clot stability in whole blood from humans and dogs with hemophilia.
Blood, 119(15):3622-8, 2012.
Pruss CM, Golder M, Bryant A, Hegadorn C, Haberichter S, Lillicrap D.
Use of a mouse model to elucidate the phenotypic effects of the von Willebrand factor cleavage mutants, Y1605A/M1606A and R1597W. J Thromb Haemost 10(5):940-50, 2012.
James PD, Lillicrap D.
von Willebrand disease: clinical and laboratory lessons learned from the large von Willebrand disease studies.
Am J Hematol 87 Suppl 1, S4-11, 2012.
Lillicrap D.
The World Federation of Hemophilia and Research.
Haemophilia 18 Suppl 4, 24-7, 2012.
Blomback M, Eikenboom J, Lane D, Denis C, Lillicrap D.
von Willebrand disease biology.
Haemophilia 18 Suppl 4, 141-7, 2012.
Berntorp E, Peake I, Budde U, Laffan M, Montgomery R, Windyga J, Goodeve A, Petrini P, von Depka M, Miesbach W, Lillicrap D, Federici AB, Lassila R, White G.
von Willebrand's disease: A report from a meeting in the Aland islands.
Haemophilia 18 Suppl 6, 1-13, 2012.
Rae C, Furlong W, Horsman J, Pullenayegum E, Demers C, St-Louis J, Lillicrap D, Barr R.
Bleeding disorders, menorrhagia and iron deficiency: impacts on health-related quality of life.
Haemophilia Epub ahead of print Sept 21 2012.
A complex substitute: antibody therapy for hemophilia.
Nature Med 18(10):1460-1, 2012.
Coutu, DL, Cuerquis J, El Ayoubi R, Forner KA, Roy R, François M, Griffith M, Lillicrap D, Yousefi AM, Blostein MD, Galipeau J.
Hierarchial scaffold design for mesenchymal stem cell-based gene therapy of hemophilia B.
Biomaterials 32:295-305, 2011.
Darwish, H, Mundell G, Engen D, Lillicrap D, Silva M, James P.
Early intraoperative blood collection does not affect complete blood counts, von Willebrand factor or factor VIII levels in normal children.
J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 33(1):47-9, 2011.
Qadura M, Waters B, Burnett E, Chegeni R, Hough C, Othman M, Lillicrap D.
Immunoglobulin isotypes and functional anti-FVIII antibodies in response to FVIII treatment in Balb/c and C57BL/6 haemophilia A mice.
Haemophilia 17(2):288-95, 2011.
Hamilton A, Ozelo M, Leggo J, Notley C, Brown H, Frontroth JP, Angelillo-Scherrar A, Baghaei F, Enayat SM, Favaloro, E., Lillicrap D, Othman M.
Frequency of platelet type versus type 2B von Willebrand disease. An International registry-based study.
Thromb Haemost 105(3):501-8, 2011.
Chegeni R, Vickars L, Favaloro EJ, Lillicrap D, Othman M.
Functional analysis of three recombinant A-VWF domain mutants in comparison to wild-type and plasma-derived VWF facilitates subtyping in type 2 von Willebrand disease.
Thromb Res 127(2):161-6, 2011.
Matsui H, Hegadorn C, Ozelo M, Burnett E, Tuttle A, Labelle A, McCray PB Jr., Naldini L, Brown B, Hough C, Lillicrap D.
A microRNA-regulated and GP64-pseudotyped Lentiviral vector mediates stable expression of FVIII in a murine model of hemophilia A.
Mol Ther 19(4):723-30, 2011.
DiPaola J, Lillicrap D
Challenges and innovations in the treatment of bleeding disorders.
Thromb Res 127 Suppl 1:S1-2, 2011.
James PD, Lillicrap D.
The diagnosis and management of von Willebrand disease in Canada
Semin Thromb Hemost. 37(5):522-7, 2011.
Hubbard AR, Hamill M, Beeharry M, Bevan SA, Heath AB; SSC sub-committee on von Willebrand factor of ISTH.
Value assignment of the WHO 2nd International Standard von Willebrand factor, concentrate (09/182).
J Thromb Haemost. 9(8):1638-40, 2011.
Robertson JD, Yenson PR, Rand ML, Blanchette VS, Carcao MD, Notley C, Lillicrap D, James PD.
Expanded phenotype-genotype correlations in a pediatric population with type 1 von Willebrand disease.
J Thromb Haemost. 9(9):1752-60, 2011.
Viuff D, Barrowcliffe T, Saugstrup T, Ezban M, Lillicrap D.
International comparative field study of N8 evaluating factor VIII assay performance.
Haemophilia. 17(4):695-702, 2011.
Gupta M, Lillicrap D, Stain AM, Friedman KD, Carcao MD.
Therapeutic consequences for misdiagnosis of type 2N von Willebrand disease.
Pediatr Blood Cancer. 1;57(6):1081-3, 2011.
Pruss CM, Golder M, Bryant A, Hegadorn CA, Burnett E, Laverty K, Sponagle K, Dhala A, Notley C, Haberichter S, Lillicrap D.
Pathologic mechanisms of type 1 VWD mutations R1205H and Y1584C through in vitro and in vivo mouse models.
Blood. 117(16):4358-66, 2011.
Hang MX, Blanchette VS, Pullenayegum E, McLimont M, Feldman BM; Canadian Hemophilia Primary Prophylaxis Study Group
Age at first joint bleed and bleeding severity in boys with severe hemophilia A: Canadian Hemophilia Primary Prophylaxis Study.
J Thromb Haemost. 9(5):1067-9, 2011.
Coutu DL, Cuerquis J, El Ayoubi R, Forner KA, Roy R, François M, Griffith M, Lillicrap D, Yousefi AM, Blostein MD, Galipeau J.
Hierarchical scaffold design for mesenchymal stem cell-based gene therapy of hemophilia B.
Biomaterials. 32(1):295-305, 2011.
Page Last Updated: 2019 January 02